Announcing publication dates!

Servant, Mercenary, Brother cover

Paperback of Servant, Mercenary, Brother (prequel novella):
Jan 22, 2020

And watch my social media for a giveaway on February 12th!

Prince of Shadow and Ash (The Mercenary and the Mage Book I): May 13th, 2020

You can also now add Prince of Shadow and Ash to your to-read shelf on Goodreads!

Staff of Nightfall (The Mercenary and the Mage Book II): (Tentative) July 15th, 2020

Servant, Mercenary, Brother Volume II: Tentative release September 2020

Surprise! Containing more vignettes told from Drez’s point of view, SMB Vol. II will add spoilery scenes I couldn’t include in volume one and more!

Want to make sure you get information on cover reveal and eARC sign ups for Prince of Shadow and Ash in April? Join my Facebook reader group! (You’ll also get behind-the-scenes, extra snippets, and more!) Or, subscribe to my newsletter.

Ah! You guys have no idea how excited I am to be moving forward and for you all to read Regulus’ and Adelaide’s story! And all of your support and excitement just adds to mine–thank you!

Selina R. Gonzalez

Selina R. Gonzalez is an author of medieval-inspired fantasy. Her romantic fantasy duology, The Mercenary and the Mage series, is available now.


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