Here are the 2020 book releases I’m anticipating!

…do I have a HUGE backlist of unread books? Yes. Have I gotten to all the 2019 releases I was excited for? No. Do I plan on doing some rereads of old books in the new year? Yes. Does any of that stop me from scouring Goodreads and stalking friends’ book lists for 2020 releases to be excited about? Absolutely not. 😉

Release date TBA:

The Soul Crier by Becky Gaines

Photo of art characters from The Soul Crier by Becky Gaines
Art of the characters in The Soul Crier

If you follow me on social media, you know I’ve been hyping this book for like a year. A dark YA fantasy about a banshee bound to a killer in a land bound in eternal winter and the banshee’s attempt to subvert her curse to save the life of the killer’s next victim–and possibly the whole world.

Kin & Kind by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

I don’t actually *know* that this is releasing in 2020, but it better be. I need the conclusion to the trilogy so I can know that all my babies are happy. THEY BETTER BE ALL SAFE AND HAPPY.

Rook Di Goo by Jenni Sauer

Cinderella! In space! BUT SHE’S A SOLDIER. But also a deserter on the run. Jenni has been sharing tidbits and quotes on her Instagram (@ivorypalaceprincess) and it sounds SO GOOD. She recently announced she’s publishing it in 2020! 😀

Blood of the Seer by C.M. Banschbach

I loved the Scottish vibes of Oath of the Outcast, and it ended on a pretty cray-zay note, so I’m excited to see how this story finishes.

Untitled YA Fantasy by H.L. Burke

This book needs a title and needs to be released, because it’s so cool! An orphan girl who is always cold and steals heat from fires, steam–and people if she’s not careful. A fantasy world of steam vents and mysterious spirits. An adorable romance. I got to beta read this, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

The Mercenary and the Mage duology by Selina R. Gonzalez

May and July, dates TBA

What? It’d be a bad sign if I wasn’t excited for my own releases, wouldn’t it? ;P


A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

January 7th

I really liked A Curse so Dark and Lonely and, although I’m a little nervous, I am looking forward to part two.

Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim

January 7th

A gender-swapped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo? Um, YES PLEASE.

The Maiden Ship by Micheline Ryckman

February 7th

It’s been fun seeing Micheline share about her characters and story on her Instagram (@whimsicalillustration). I’m excited for this fantasy novel about young sailor caught up in a war.

Ashlords by Scott Reintgen cover

Ashlords by Scott Reintgen

January 21st

FIRE HORSES. That’s literally all I needed to know to be on board. But yes, a race with phoenix horses sounds so cool.

Hidden Current by Sharon Hink

January 28th

A Christian fantasy set on a floating world whose movements are controlled by dancers of the Order–and a dancer who flees when she discovers the Order is built on lies.


Night Spinner by Addie Thorley

February 11th

A “tundra-inspired” retelling of The Hunchback of Notre Dame that has me intrigued.

The Vault Between Spaces by Chawna Schroeder

February 11th

“Every legend must start somewhere…

No prisoner who enters the gates of HopeWell ever leaves. But from the moment Oriel sets foot inside Anatroshka’s most formidable prison camp, she unsettles both commandant and prisoner alike with eyes that see beyond the surface and music that trails her everywhere…”

Beast by Schroeder was one of my favorite reads of 2019 (I just ordered it on paperback after only having ebook and I’m excite to reread it!), so I’m looking forward to this one.

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

February 25th

Alessandra’s plan: 1. Woo the Shadow King. 2. Marry him. 3. Kill him and take his kingdom for herself. Just a little hitch: she needs to stop everybody else trying to kill him long enough to get to step two.


Image result for bone crier's moon

Bone Crier’s Moon by Kathryn Purdie

March 10th

This cover is GORGEOUS. Do yourself a favor and go inspect it for the little details. But also, this sounds like a cool world with complex mythology and what looks like might be an enemies-to-lovers story I won’t hate…

The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis

March 9th



Of Silver and Shadow by Jennifer Gruenke

May 26th

Forbidden magic, rebellions, deadly competitions…all tantalizing.


The Crow Rider by Kalyn Josephson

July 7th

The Storm Crow was another favorite 2019 read, and I’m anxious to know what happens next!

Dust by Kara Swanson

July 21st

This Peter Pan-inspired story about a girl who drips gold dust from her fingers and a Peter who is starting to grow up sounds so intriguing!

And that’s as far out as I know! Assuming I haven’t forgotten any, which is entirely possible. What 2020 book releases are you excited for?

Selina R. Gonzalez

Selina R. Gonzalez is an author of medieval-inspired fantasy. Her romantic fantasy duology, The Mercenary and the Mage series, is available now.


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