Happy New Year’s Eve! 2018 is ending, and a new year with new adventures is nearly upon us. It’s a time of reflection, and a time of looking forward. I haven’t done resolutions in a few years, but I felt like it’d be a good way to prepare myself for a new year that’s pretty different from the last several—mostly because I’m not longer in university. So, I thought for the sake of getting it written down and for accountability purposes, I’d make a blog post with my resolutions/goals/plan for 2019. Don’t worry—it’s considerably shorter than my last post!

Spiritual Resolutions

  • Read my Bible more regularly
  • Attend church more regularly
  • Become a member of my church
  • Join a church small group
  • Read some of my Christian living books

Personal Resolutions

  • Make at least one new IRL friend
  • Be kinder
  • Be braver
  • Exercise regularly
  • Visit RMNP more than once
  • Make time to get out and do things with family members and friends

Writing Resolutions

  • Figure out the end of the Prince of Shadow and Ash sequel
  • Finish writing the sequel
  • Edit Prince at least twice before June
  • Attend a writing conference (hoping to attend Realm Makers!)
  • Read at least two books on writing
  • Post at least once a week on this blog (hopefully on Mondays)

Reading Resolutions

  • Book goal for 2019: 40 books
  • Keep up bookstagram account (@nighttooisbeautiful)
  • Finish The Lunar Chronicles
  • Read at least one new genre
  • Read at least four non-fiction books

Do you do New Year’s resolutions? What are you resolved to do in 2019?

Have a happy New Year!

Until next time,

Selina R. Gonzalez

Selina R. Gonzalez is an author of medieval-inspired fantasy. Her romantic fantasy duology, The Mercenary and the Mage series, is available now.


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